Working WITH YOU to choose the treatment that's RIGHT for YOU!
Kiski: (724) 845-2400

What is it?
Veneers are a simple and effective way to improve the appearance of your smile. A veneer is a thin covering that is used to permanently whiten your teeth, cover chips, correct a tooth’s shape, or fix slightly crooked teeth.
There are several different types of veneers available.
Composite Veneers
One of the most common treatment options, composite veneers are applied and sculpted during your appointment with your dentist. They are typically used to fix small cosmetic issues, such as chipped or cracked teeth, but they can be used to fix slightly crooked teeth or to fill small gaps between front teeth.
Composites are substantially cheaper than porcelain veneers, and involve a shorter treatment period. The treatment can usually be completed in a single visit.
One con to composite veneers is that the finish often isn’t as good as the finish from porcelain veneers, and they aren’t as resistant to staining and discoloration.
Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are usually a more expensive option. The treatment involves multiple appointments, with the initial preparation work being done with your dentist and the creation of the veneers taking place.
They are created specifically for your teeth and will be custom tailored to your tooth color and shape. They are resistant to staining and are the ideal solution to more severe discoloration, chips or cracks, and generally last much longer than other types of veneers.
The downside is the expense. Porcelain veneers also require much more initial prep work and usually require some reshaping of your original teeth. Repairing and replacing damaged porcelain veneers is also more expensive and time-consuming than other veneers.
What can I expect during my appointment?
Your new veneers will look aesthetic and natural. Prior to creating and placing your veneers, Dr. Merlino will review your treatment plan with you, ensuring that your veneers function properly and provide you with a beautiful, natural-looking smile.
No anesthesia is needed. Sometimes the doctor will use a handpiece to remove a thin layer of stain or tooth so the resulting teeth won’t appear to bulky. Then we will use air abrasion to clean and micro etch the tooth so the composite or porcelain will bond well. For porcelain veneers, we will take impressions, place temporary composite veneers and, in a week or two, we will bond on your new teeth!
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